Friday, January 15, 2010

First Week of Massage Therapy School

OK, so I'm back in school... And, let me say that there's a lot of reading and A LOT of memorization! LOL. It's also funny because I'm TWICE the age of some of the people in my classes, yet I feel just as young as they are...go figure! Anyhow, I've definitely made the right choice for myself. Massage Therapy is my niche. The idea of learning about the various planes of movement (sagittal, transverse, frontal) directions and positions (superior/inferior, posterior(dorsal)/anterior(ventral), medial/lateral, distal/proximal, superficial/deep, blah, blah, blah!) is super exciting to me!~ Geek? Maybe... And, I LOVE IT!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 - A Year of Transformation

Massage Therapy School Orientation at The Cortiva Institute-Chicago was today. I received approximately 50 pounds of text books!!! I'm actually very excited to be a student again... Ah, sharpening the saw, it's been 17 years since I've 'officially' been a student. So...the journey begins. This year, for me, is officially 'A Year of Transformation'.

And, on the Doula side, I am on-call for three 12-hour shifts at Swedish Covenant Hospital this month... So, hopefully, I will be privileged enough to attend a birth this month too. :)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Baby 'C' is born!

Baby 'C' was born by emergency C-section early on 12-22-09. His mother hadn't felt him move in quite a while and called the Doctor. The Doctor suggested going to the hospital for monitoring. Baby Mama checked into the hospital (believing that she wouldn't be staying long) and was told that the amniotic fluid was low (they couldn't find any) and that they wanted to monitor her/Baby 'C' until his birth. They admitted her with the understanding that she really didn't want to have a C-section. A few hours later, several nurses rushed in and were VERY concerned about how her contractions were affecting Baby 'C's heart rate. Apparently, his heart rate was going up into the 160's/170's with each contraction...which is a definite sign of fetal distress/stress. They ordered an emergency C-section and an hour later, Baby 'C' was born. Baby Mama barely had enough time to get her best friend and parents back to the hospital in time for the birth, let alone me (her Doula). Baby was in the NICU for the first 12 hours of his life. He was given several courses of antibiotics, as they were concerned about infection and possible meconium inhalation. Baby 'C' checked out fine and was soon rooming in with Baby Mama. I went to visit them on the 23rd to help with breastfeeding and offer whatever support was needed. I was there for about an hour and a half. Baby 'C' was starting to catch on to breastfeeding and so was Baby Mama. She was in a lot of pain and discomfort from the C-section...poor thing, not what she wanted at all (but, who does!). I'm expecting to hear from Baby Mama with breastfeeding/whatever needs she has in the next few weeks. Seeing Baby Mama and holding Baby 'C' was quite miraculous and teary for me. Birth is SO COOL! :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Week 7

I'm still waiting for my 'baby mama' to go into labor. She's now a few days over-due, so it should be ANY time now!

Earlier this week, I registered with the 'Chicago Volunteer Doulas' service. Hopefully in January I will be able to sign up for some 12-hour time-slots and be able to attend at least one birth. Very excited to start practicing. :) My initial 'take' at a Doula bag is complete...I have a visualization scenario printed out, breastfeeding information, relaxation techniques, rice sock, etc. Just waiting!!!

More updates to come soon.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Week #6

Weeks 2-5 went by VERY fast. Accomplishments include:
- Ordered DONA certification packet
- Signed up for and attended DONA 3-day Birth Doula Workshop/Breastfeeding class for the first weekend in December
- Finished book #1
- Have a first birth client whom is due on Saturday, December 19th! Wow, this is all happening faster than I expected
- Prepared my Doula services packet (incluing contract, description of services, articles, labor relaxation techniques, DONA forms, etc.) that I have presented and discussed with my first potential clients
- Attended Cortiva massage therapy workshop and met some of my fellow students!
- Signed up for (and was accepted) the Chicago Doula Yahoo group
- Set-up a meeting at Swedish Covenant Hospital to enroll in 12-hour Doula volunteer blocks of time
- Toured RUSH University Medical Center labor and delivery suite

I'm very excited about this first birth that I will attend (hopefully I will be able to attend this birth...but, I do have a back-up that I met at the Doula Workshop).

More updates to come soon!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Week #2

Week #1 was a success! Created a project plan/timeline for my Doula Certification, read half of my first book (didn't read as much as I want to...need to step-up the reading pace) and reached out to some local Doulas and Midwives for advice, networking and childbirthing classes. AND, on top of Doula Certification, I've decided to enroll in massage therapy school at Cortiva Institute ( ) ! My focus will, of course, be on women...particularly pregancy/postpartum and eventually infant massage. Since all of this is now my full-time job (in addition to being a mother and fiance), I will be able to get through 2010 and come out on the other end as a Certified Doula and Licensed Massage Therapist! So excited that after 17 years of Corporate Marketing (in-which I gained invaluable skills and experience), that now I can really be ME and do something that I'm truly passionate about and LOVE!!!!! I have a servant-heart and love helping people and making them feel good and helping them to gain life skills and insights.

So, for Week #2, my goals are:
1) READ! Get through 1.5 books... I CAN do this...I have the time...
2) Enroll in a Childbirth Education Class
3) Speak with/meet a Doula who will allow me to 'observe' a birth...not 'attend'. Not sure if this will be possible right now due to the H1N1 virus, so we will see. I suppose I should get vaccinated (even though I truly don't believe in it).
4) Speak with/meet with my former Midwife for similiar reasons as #3
5) Enroll in a Breastfeeding Class
6) Order my DONA Certification Packet

Massage school starts on January 11th. So, my goal is to get as much of the Doula reading, classes and workshops done as possible before then...

Looks like another great week! :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Week 1 Update

Well, it's been a busy week of nursing sick people in my family (including myself). I have started reading my first book, Pregnancy Childbirth and the Newborn-The Complete Guide, as well as my new Dona International membership packet. This week, my goals are to:
1) Create a Timeline/Plan for getting certified
2) Read my first book and electronically record my notes in Word
3) Network with local Doulas in order to find a 'Mentor'...someone who will shepherd me through the process.

Praying for health and lots of progress this week!